Obtaining county permits can be cumbersome for a small business owner that has no experience or assistance navigating the process. Chesterfield County Economic Development’s Small Business Development Assistant proactively helps small business owners interested in expanding, remodeling, relocating, or developing property in Chesterfield County. The Small Business Development Assistant connects small business owners to appropriate staff within county departments such as Planning, Building Inspections, Environmental Engineering, Utilities, and the Commissioner of the Revenue’s Office to ensure a viable project.
Depending on the project, a business building or up fitting a facility may be required to obtain numerous permits. New construction may require rezoning of the property, existing facilities may require minor site plan approval for certain renovations or expansion and even installing a sign requires a permit. Chesterfield County Planning’s Site Plan Process Brochure outlines the site plan process for the county and provides valuable information on developing property in Chesterfield County.
The Zoning Ordinance is Chapter 19 of the Chesterfield County Code and provides standards for the use and development of land in the county. The ordinance states: “the purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the public and to accomplish the objectives of Code of Virginia, 15.2-2200 and 15.2-2283.”
Permitted land uses vary by zoning district. Other conditions of zoning (conditional uses, special exceptions) may also allow or restrict certain permitted uses. The Planning Department can verify specifically permitted uses for a property. A business may be required to apply for a rezoning or conditional use permit in order to operate in a specific location. The Planning Department handles the zoning process. The Chesterfield County brochure, Tips For Managing Your Zoning Application, provides valuable information on the zoning process.
Chesterfield County Economic Development encourages small business owners to reach out early in the project development stage. The Planning and Building Inspections departments will host preliminary site development or construction meetings at no cost to the applicant. These meetings allow small business owners to discuss a conceptual project with county departments and the Virginia Department of Transportation when warranted. Please contact the Small Business Development Assistant should you have any questions about how they may assist your business.