The Chesterfield County Zoning Ordinance governs various sign restrictions, based on the type of sign (such as freestanding, building mounted, banners, directional signs, etc.), where the sign is located, and what the type of use the sign is advertising. There may also be conditions of zoning that apply to the property in question. Finally, property owner associations and commercial center management may have additional sign restrictions. Sign Permit Applications are submitted to the Building Inspections Department.
The Chesterfield County Zoning Ordinance (Section 19-638) allows temporary sign banners that advertise special events (i.e. sales, grand opening, community events). A free banner permit is required for each banner. Outlined below is a brief synopsis of banner requirements:
- Maximum banner size is 50 square feet.
- Banners must be constructed of fabric or other similar flexible material; they must be freestanding or building-mounted.
- Banners must be displayed on-site with the exception of community events in village areas.
- Banners solely advertising a business name and/or logo are not permitted.
- Upon approval, the banner will receive an identification number; this number and the date of removal must be printed on the banner in at least 1 and 1/2-inch numbers in the lower right corner.
- Banners can be displayed for up to 30 consecutive days at a time. Businesses may display their banners for a total of 60 days per calendar year; nonprofits are allowed 120 days per calendar year.
- Organizations are only allowed to display one banner at a time; exceptions would apply to businesses not located in a project that front two major arterial roads.
- A grand opening banner is permitted while a new business waits for the permanent sign to be installed. Grand opening banners are permitted for up to one 30-day period without counting toward the year’s remaining banner days. In order to qualify for a grand opening banner, the principal permanent sign must not be installed.
- Any banner installed without prior notification to and approval of the director of planning shall be removed immediately upon notification by the planning department and no other banner shall be displayed for 90 days.
Please contact the Planning Department with any additional questions or to discuss your particular situation.